Tags: MIN

Calculate turn around time excluding Sundays and public holidays


Assume a two column database showing starting date/time and ending data/time (Data/time stamp appear in a single cell).  Given a list of public holidays in a year and starting and ending work times, one may want to know the turn around time excluding Sundays and public holidays. You may refer to my solution in this […]

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Extract numeric data and dates from string


In column A, there are some alphanumeric entries.  Somewhere in the alphanumeric entries (beginning, middle or end) there are the following: 1. Dates 2. Numbers (without decimals) 3. Numbers (with decimals) Furthermore, there may or may not be spaces between numbers/dates and text entries.  In Excel 2010 and prior versions, the only way to solve this problem would […]

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Return closest numeric match


In range A2:A6, the numbers are 7.5, 2, -12, 11.2 and 8.  In cell B8, a user enters 8.  One may want to answer the following questions: 1. Return the closest number which is less than or equal to the number in cell B8 2. Return the closest number which is greater than or equal to the […]

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