Tags: ROW

Split data into multiple tabs


Assume a four column database with department as the second column.  Entries in the department column may be repeated.  A person may wish to create one worksheet tab for each department.  Therefore, as and when a person names a worksheet tab as one of the departments, all rows of that department should appear on this new sheet. You […]

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Summarise data from multiple worksheets


Assume multiple worksheets in a workbook (all having the same structure).  In a summary sheet, one may want to tabulate data from these multiple worksheets.  Essentially, a way to link to the same specific cells in multiple worksheets to the Summary sheet.  The formula in the Summary sheet should just be copied and pasted to multiple rows to bring […]

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Extract numeric data and dates from string


In column A, there are some alphanumeric entries.  Somewhere in the alphanumeric entries (beginning, middle or end) there are the following: 1. Dates 2. Numbers (without decimals) 3. Numbers (with decimals) Furthermore, there may or may not be spaces between numbers/dates and text entries.  In Excel 2010 and prior versions, the only way to solve this problem would […]

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LOOKUP where search string appears multiple times


In a list with multiple occurrences, the VLOOKUP() function in Excel will only return the first occurrence of the string being searched. Depending upon the version of MS Excel which you are using, there could be two ways to solve this problem Solution for MS Excel 2010 and higher versions If you are using the […]

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