List down most frequently appearing names in descending order of frequency


Given a list of names in a worksheet range, one may want to pull out, the most frequently appearing names in descending order of frequency, to another range.  Furthermore, one may want to provide an additional date criteria as well. You may refer to my solution in this workbook.

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Create a log sheet of all array formulas in a workbook


There may be many array formulas in a workbook.  One may want to create a two column table in a sheet named “Array formula log” which lists down sheet names and cell address of all array formulas.  Furthermore, the cell references listed on the “Array formula log” sheet should be hyperlinked. You may refer to […]

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VLOOKUP() function to work only on visible cells of filtered range


The VLOOKUP() function returns data from a lookup_array irrespective of the filter setting of the lookup_array.  To make the lookup_array of the VLOOKUP() function work only on the visible cells of a filtered range, refer to this workbook.

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Display auto filter criteria in a cell


Assume data in range D6:E11 – months in D6:D11 and numbers in E6:E11.  Headings are in D5:E5.  On filtering multiple values in column D, one may want to view the filtered criteria in cell (separate criteria by comma for multiple selections in auto filter drop down). For solving this problem, you will have to download and install the morefunc […]

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Extract a report showing parameters beyond tolerance limits


Depending upon tolerance limit specified for every technical parameter, extract a report which lists down all those day wise parameters which breach tolerance limits.  The question and solution have been elaborately explained in the workbook.

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Extract data based on customer specific dimensions


Depending upon customer requirements specified for width, thickness and length os material, extract a report showing all records from the master stock-list which meets the requirements. The question and solution have been elaborately explained in this workbook.

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Determine stock transfer from multiple locations


The objective is to determine the quantity of stock (of a particular type) to be transferred from “Stock surplus” locations to “Stock deficient” ones.  If all the requirements cannot be met from one location, tap other locations.  The final output should show the location from where stock is being transferred.  Furthermore the order of determining […]

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Transfer specific columns to another workbook based on conditions


One may want to transfer rows of specific columns to another file based on the date mentioned in one column.  Transfer rows which pertain to a specific year into the respective worksheet of another file. For transferring rows of data from only one worksheet of the source workbook, please refer to files in this zipped […]

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