Tags: FIND

Worksheet formulas in a newly copied worksheet should point to the previous worksheet


Assume a worksheet with formulas referring to the previous worksheet.  When this sheet is copied by right clicking the sheet and selecting Move or Copy > Copy, formulas in this newly created sheet, should change to refer to the previous sheet. In other words, if sheet2 has formulas referring to sheet1, then when sheet3 is created (by […]

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Generate a list of all tabs names without using VBA


Assume an MS Excel file has 4 worksheets – Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 and Sheet4.  Insert a sheet before Sheet1 and name that tab as Summary.  On the Summary tab, one may want to generate a list of all sheet names from cell C7 onwards.  Furthermore, the sheet names so generated, should be dynamic for the following changes: 1. Sheets […]

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Split data into multiple tabs


Assume a four column database with department as the second column.  Entries in the department column may be repeated.  A person may wish to create one worksheet tab for each department.  Therefore, as and when a person names a worksheet tab as one of the departments, all rows of that department should appear on this new sheet. You […]

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Extract numeric data and dates from string


In column A, there are some alphanumeric entries.  Somewhere in the alphanumeric entries (beginning, middle or end) there are the following: 1. Dates 2. Numbers (without decimals) 3. Numbers (with decimals) Furthermore, there may or may not be spaces between numbers/dates and text entries.  In Excel 2010 and prior versions, the only way to solve this problem would […]

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